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Thursday, 22. June 2006 15:53:57, by Steven Whitbread


Feel free to enter here the bugs you just found.

Diff algorithm

Very simple, needs a lot of improvement as it is far from only showing minimal differences.

Default, Blue and Dokuwiki_blog template 'lang' set to 'fr'

Steve (22/06/06) I noticed in the default, blue and dokuwiki_blog templates that the language is hardcoded to French

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="fr" lang="fr">

Where as in the dokuwiki template you have it dynamically set

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="<?php echo $user_lang;?>" lang="<?php echo $user_lang;?>">

Print css style sheet for dokuwiki

Steve (22/06/06): I have just put together a simple style sheet to format the page when you print it. I thought I would share it, as it may save you some work.

In template.php change the css links to:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $app_path;?>themes/dokuwiki/layout.css" media="screen"/>
   <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $app_path;?>themes/dokuwiki/style.css" media="all"/>
   <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $app_path;?>themes/dokuwiki/form.css" media="all"/>
   <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $app_path;?>themes/dokuwiki/print.css" media="print"/>

I this basically changes the usage of style.css and form.css so that they are applied all the type rather than just when rendering to the screen. I then added print.css which is just used when printing.

Create new file print.css

/*Hide elements when printing */
#sidebar, #topbar, #bottombar, #linkbar, #trackbacks,
#comment_link, #comments, .noprint {display:none}
/*Copyied from layout.css changed padding */
#parentnodes ul{
  list-style-type: none;  
  margin: 0;
/*Copyied from layout.css changes float:left to display:inline */
#parentnodes ul li{ 
   margin-left: 0.5em;
   margin-top: 0.5em;
/* Remove pic, just incase browser tries to render it when printing */
 background: #72b7ec ;
/* Display wiki title and make bigger*/
#logobar p{
  margin: 1em 0;
  padding: 0;
  text-indent: 0;
  font-size: 1.5em;

I have given this a quick test and it seems to work OK so far, but I have really only tried it with 'print preview' in IE 6 and Firefox 1.5. Print style sheets should work well with all fairly recent browsers.

Hope this is useful.

content delete confirmation

Steve (21/06/06): I thought I would share a modification I have made. I needed the ability to get the user to confirm that they where deleting a page. I had a couple of unhappy people when they accidently clicked 'delete'! I am also adding the same thing to making a page the root. I hope this is the right way do this.

in content.lib.php I added

$contentBoxHandle["delete"]        = "contentDelete";


$userActionHandle["delete"]        = "onContentDelete";


$userActionHandle["deleteconfirmed"]        = "onContentDelete";

and added the function

function contentDelete(){
   global $user;
   global $user_lang;
   global $wiki;
   global $node;
   global $wikirender;    
   $html = '<h1>Confirm delete</h1>';
   //$html .= "<p>{$confirm}</p>";
   $html .= '<p>This will permentally delete the page and history from the wiki, you will
               not be able to undo this action.</p>';
   $html .= "<p>Please confirm you wish to delete '{$node->title}'</p>";
   $html .= "<p><a href="?title={$node->title}

REDIRECT TO: http://wiclear.free.fr/index.php?title=amp%3Bmode%3Ddeleteconfirmed&from=Bugs

amp;lang=$user_lang">Yes (delete)</a> | <a href="?title={$node->title}&amp;lang=$user_lang&quot;&gt;No (take me back)&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&quot;; return $html; }

David(21/06/06) : very usefull and perfect. I'll add it in 0.11. (or perhaps 0.10.1 because 0.10.0 has a lot of rough edges (installation, update, no database, no configuration files : I released it too quickly without proper test)
David(21/06/06): By the way, you seem to have upgraded to 0.10. Did you have a look to variables.lib.php ? You can now hack it to add easily a prefix to session variable. If needed it is also possible to add a new "ini" configuration variable to do it at startup...
David(22/06/06) : Steve by the way, in order to give you proper copyright notice for this patch, can you either send me an email or register ?
Steve (22/06/06): Hi, I've registered under the login 'cvibe'.
A correction to the above, the following line should be removed (left over from me testing the code!)

$html .= "<p>{$confirm}</p>";

session workaround bug

Steve (21/06/06): I think I found a bug in util::sessionWorkaround, this first thing it does is "return;". When I ran the install with this in, it tells me my session directory is not writeable. Once I remove it says my session directory is writeable and gives me a green tick. Just to confirm my php session directory is writeable.

David(21/06/06): Yep, found it yesterday too and fixed it by doing instead :

 return $path;

This sessionWorkaround thing was a workaround added in 0.9 to overcome problems with particular hosting configuration. I disabled it "quickly" in 0.10 because it was rendered useless by my provider. But if by any bad luck someone encounter a session problem, he can try to fix it by commenting the return.