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Wiclear now features syndication.
You'll find
* [RSS feed 0.91|http:/feed.php?feed_type=rss_0_91]
* [RSS feed 1.0|http:/feed.php?feed_type=rss]
* [ATOM feed|http:/feed.php?feed_type=atom]
You can also find feeds for the last comments
* [RSS feed 0.91|http:/comment_feed.php?feed_type=rss_0_91]
* [RSS feed 1.0|http:/comment_feed.php?feed_type=rss]
* [ATOM feed|http:/comment_feed.php?feed_type=atom]
It is also possible to have the full content in the feed by adding a new variable in the URL : full_content.%%%
Example :
* [ATOM feed for the last changements|http:/feed.php?feed_type=atom&full_content=1]
* [ATOM feed for the last comments|http:/comment_feed.php?feed_type=atom&full_content=1]
It is possible to have a feed for the last changements of a specific page. You only need to add another variable to the url : title%%%
Example :
* [History ATOM feed for the page Wiclear|http:/feed.php?feed_type=atom&title=Wiclear]
* [Comment ATOM feed for the page Wiclear|http:/comment_feed.php?feed_type=atom&title=Wiclear]
It is even possible to filter by lang if you add another variable to the url : lang
* [ATOM feed for the last changements in french|http:/feed.php?feed_type=atom&lang=fr]
* [ATOM feed for the lat comments in french|http:/comment_feed.php?feed_type=atom&lang=fr]
It is of course possible to use all those variables at once.%%%
Thanks to the wonderfull tutorials [tut1|http://www.openweb.eu.org/articles/rss_introduction/] and [tut2|http://www.openweb.eu.org/articles/rss_construction10/] of OpenWeb.